Sunday, April 20, 2008


Okay, so I bought some stuff from Ann Taylor and I had all these vouchers for $20 off $50 or more, but I only spent $100 (well, $60 with my sweet coupons), and I had two left. So I left them with the cashier to give to the next customer, I mean why waste them, right? And she was like, wow, that's so nice of you - she was in shock and kept going on about it. Why can't people be nice? Seriously? Why is being kind the exception, not the rule???

I found a check on the ground while I was at work today and I am mailing it back to the originator (I didn't want to leave it, it had their DL#'s and obviously their address and account number). And I helped a girl out with directions who was in tears because her cell phone died and she couldn't find anyone to help her. So maybe some of this good karma will come back to me! MAYBE, but I'm not counting on it. If karma is listening, I would like my payback in the form of a healthy baby. I only want 2 kids, so one now and another in about 2 years please. Thanks, karma.

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